Good morning, afternoon, evening wherever you are in the world right now, this is Amrys Wang of The Raw Entrepawneur!
Today’s episode is with Believe in Dog Podcast host, Erin Scott. Erin was somewhat of a reluctant dog owner but her husband’s insistence that they adopt a dog transformed her into a “dog person” and changed her life in all the best ways. Erin’s dogs have become teachers, healers and inspirations in her life.
This is her story.
Erin was inspired to create the Believe in Dog Podcast to share heart-centered conversations exploring the profound impact the love of a dog has made in each guest’s life. Topics can range from dog training methods to cutting-edge veterinary research to the impacts of poverty on pet ownership and everything in between. The Believe in Dog Podcast is also a safe space to delve into the hard times our pets help us through, such as illness and grief.After experiencing cancer, allergies and mystery illnesses with her dogs, Erin recently launched the Dog Health Journal to bring peace of mind to pet parents struggling with their dog’s health and also blogs at Erin lives near Baltimore, Maryland (USA) with her husband Tim, and adopted pit bulls Penny and Neno.
The Raw Entrepawneur:
https://hemopet.orghttps://www.rabieschallengefund.orgThe Raw Entrepawneur:
Anna Hielm-BjörkmanDVM, PhD, docent, CVA (IVAS)Principal Investigatoranna.hielm-bjorkman(at)helsinki.fiDogRisk Research Group to DogRisk Group: The Raw Entrepawneur: