*edited for general release*
What is conscious caregiving for animals?
Journey with us, Amrys Wang (Singapore) https://podcasts.apple.com/sg/podcast/the-raw-entrepawneur/id1500285283 and various guest speakers like Dr Isla Fishburn (UK) https://kachinacanine.com, Dr Josie Beug (USA) http://drjosies5elements.com and Julie Anne Lee DCH (Canada) https://www.adoredbeast.ca
as we explore and discuss what it means to be a conscious caregiver for animals.
We will meet every First Thursday of the month @2pm EST as our commitment to share and discuss these ideas with the Mindvalley community.
Today's circle Dr Isla and I reflected on the situation in Ukraine and discussed how can we support our animals during extreme times of crisis. While we normally focus on the spiritual side of conscious caregiving, I struggled with what could one do practically for our animals if one was put in that situation. It wasn't an easy topic but I felt the need to try and process what is going on.
I would like to take this opportunity to ask you to consider supporting humanitarian organisations who are on the ground in Ukraine helping both humans and animals affected by the conflict.
Thank you!
Blessings Be To All!
#amryswang #therawentrepawneur #pawdxliveonmindvalley #consciouscaregivingforanimals #drislafishburn #kachinacanine #IStandwithUkraine #prayersforUkraine
website: https://www.petproheather.comFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/petproheatherInstagram: https://www.instagram.com/petproheather/Email: [email protected] Raw Entrepawneur: https://www.facebook.com/TheRawEntrepawneur
About Dr Margo Roman:http://www.mashvet.com/dr-margo-roman.htmlhttp://www.mashvet.comhttps://www.facebook.com/MASHVetClinichttps://www.21stcenturyhealthoptions.com/ The Raw Entrepawneur:https://www.facebook.com/TheRawEntrepawneurhttps://www.instagram.com/raw_entrepawneur
TRE S1-101 Dr Zac Pilossoph Good morning, afternoon, evening wherever you are in the world right now, this is Amrys Wang of The Raw...