*This recording has been edited for general release*
Good morning, afternoon, evening wherever you are in the world right now, this is Amrys Wang of The Raw Entrepawneur PawdX Live on Mindvalley!
I am blessed to have with me from the US: The Mystic's Voice – Joanne Bracken who helps both humans and animals heal through sound.
"I am a spiritual minister, divinely inspired channeler and soul healer, past-life regressionist, sound healer, spiritual teacher, and workshop leader with more than 35 years in practice. As a child, I was very attuned to the spiritual dimensions, knowing that the unseen world was alive with fairies and angels who felt like friends. Early on, I knew I wanted to heal and help people." ~ Joanne Bracken, The Mystic's Voice
Joanne is one of my spiritual mentors and once again Spirit had fun teasing me!
To watch the full conversation on Youtube: https://youtu.be/B5CXHz3IOLw
The Raw Entrepawneur: https://www.facebook.com/TheRawEntrepawneur https://www.instagram.com/therawentrepawneur https://therawentrepawneur.com
#amryswang #therawentrepawneur #joannebracken #themysticsvoice #soundhealer #spiritualminister #consciouscaregivingforanimals #consciouscaregivingforhumanimals #therawentrepawneurpawdxseries #therawentrepawneurpawdx
Vibrant K9:https://vibrantk9.com The Raw Entrepawneur:https://www.facebook.com/TheRawEntrepawneur
Your support would be appreciated! Sales of this book will help Monkey's House continue in their mission to help more homeless hospice dogs. Where...
Good morning, afternoon, evening wherever you are in the world right now, this is Amrys Wang of The Raw Entrepawneur! Today’s episode is with...